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These images and statements are available for you to use in in your social media and other publications. Please credit the Violinabox project and participants as appropriate.
The Violinabox Project
The Violin-in-a-box roams the world collecting snapshots of local communities and their music. Handed from musician to musician, recordings are shared online. We are spotlighting the diversity of music and its role in our local and interconnected worlds. While doing this we also raise money for the charity Luthiers sans Frontiers-USA
Our Web Media
Instagram Making the Violinabox
Facebook Music from the Violinabox
Website. Who made he violin, where and from what. plus: Where in the World is the Violinabox now?
Funding and Organization
The Violinabox is a self sustaining project funded and organized by participants. Shipping and maintenance services are donated by sponsoring violin shops who also oversee the local loans of the instrument. Musicians record videos and post onto their own social media. Violinabox collects these videos together
Making the Violin
In 2022/23, ten violinmakers across the world made a single violin from non-traditional materials. Each maker used materials grown in their own location to add a part to the violin, before passing it on to the next maker. In all 10 violin makers in 9 countries collaborated to create this unique, international instrument. Read more on this story
Partner Charity
Luthiers Sans Frontiers – USA We are using our media reach to raise money for LSF-USA who train violin repairers in developing countries. More about Luthiers San Frontiers-USA
A Crowd Sourced Violin? Check out the traveling Violinabox October 21, 2003
Santa Rosa luthier makes locally sourced, handcrafted violin hoping for a global impact. The Santa Rosa Press Democrat, June 21, 2023
The Journey of Violinabox British Violin and Bowmakers Association Newsletter. Spring 2024
ViolinABox (The World Violin) Omo Podcast, May 15,2024
News Letters
Spring 2024. Us and European Tours